


mathematization, mathematics, language of mathematics, educational process, natural sciences


The need to modernize modern education in order to increase the level of students' interest in studying subjects, mathematical and natural sciences, was noted. The role of mathematics and natural sciences for the versatile development of the personality in general, their necessity from the first years of education is defined and integration as an important condition for unification and mutual use in the educational process of mathematical and natural knowledge. The relevance of the problem of using mathematics both in the learning process and for various areas of scientific knowledge is substantiated. The article describes general historical information about mathematics as a science and gives examples of the interpretation of its content by scientists of both the past and the present. The factors determining the importance of the role of mathematics are determined. Its general aspects are characterized from the point of view of mathematical language, its elements, namely, sign, symbol, model, mathematical modeling. The important role of the language of mathematics both in the cognitive activity of a person and in the research of natural sciences at various stages of their development is substantiated. As a result of the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and generalizations of the use of mathematical methods and tools, examples of the interpretation of the concept of "mathematization of scientific knowledge" are given. The main aspects of the mathematization of sciences and, in particular, its necessity in the formation and development of natural sciences are theoretically substantiated. The necessary conditions for the effectiveness of the application of the concepts and methods of mathematics and the strengthening of the mathematization of knowledge have been identified. Examples of the application of mathematical methods for such sciences as astronomy and chemistry are given. The need for mathematization in natural science is also mentioned in the context of biological sciences, and the stages of this process are characterized. The degree of reality of mathematical concepts and structures in natural science has been clarified; of mutual dependence, bilateral connection of mathematics and natural sciences are clarified. That is, that natural science is necessary for modern mathematics, just as it is necessary for it. The significance of mathematization in the integration of natural knowledge in today's conditions is indicated. The author also drew attention to the issue of mathematization of natural sciences in the context of the educational process, i.e., that for the subjects of the study, it involves the penetration of mathematics into natural science; on the problem of conditioning the integration of mathematics with science subjects. It was emphasized that science and mathematics education is gaining importance today and the need for active implementation of STEM education in the New Ukrainian School and, in particular, in the primary level.


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