



business Ukrainian, linguistic and communicative professional competence, professional discourse, national language consciousness


The study is devoted to the problem of improving the content of the business Ukrainian course in a higher educational institution. Based on the relevance of the problem of modernizing the theoretical part of the “Business Ukrainian” course, the author defines the purpose of the article – to analyze the content components outlined in the educational program of the discipline, to select specific topics from the educational modules that need to be corrected, and to propose additional lecturing materials. It is emphasized that in the process of studying the discipline, the linguistic and communicative professional competence of the future specialists of various specialties is formed. The content of the educational program on the Ukrainian language should reflect the main trends in the development of Ukrainian linguistics and linguomethodology. Taking into account the changes in modern science and the cultural and political life of society, the researcher emphasizes the need to update the lecture material of the academic discipline; at the same time, one should be guided by the principles of scientificity, systematicity and perspective of education. The article provides definitions of the concepts of “discourse”, “professional discourse”, “national language consciousness”, “types of translation” proposed by linguists and teachers, as well as the author's definition of the concept of “linguistic and communicative professional competence”. In accordance with the subject of the academic discipline, the author consistently introduces the linguistic materials of the appendices to the lectures, which systematize, expand and deepen the knowledge of the future specialists about the typology of discourses; the current rules of drafting documents; changes in Ukrainian spelling; electronic dictionaries; the phenomenon of the “neological boom” during the war in Ukraine; the requirements of observing academic integrity when writing a student research paper; the peculiarities of professional text editing, etc. In addition, when highlighting the issue of editing professional texts, it is advisable to give examples of typical speech mistakes caused by internal and external factors, especially the influence of another language, as well as regional and social dialects. Without pretending to the universality of corrections made to the content of the business Ukrainian course, the researcher emphasizes the need for teachers to systematically update educational and methodological support, as well as constant selfstudy and self-improvement of scientific and pedagogical workers. The author considers the problem raised in the article to be promising.


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