


video materials, online video resources, FLT, intensification of teaching and learning a foreign language


With the increasing use of innovative approaches to foreign languages teaching (FLT), video materials have become more accessible and easier to incorporate into the process of language acquisition. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of online learning, and video materials have become an important tool for distant language teaching. The article deals with theoretical and practical aspects of the usage of video materials in language teaching and learning. In the course of research surveys were made to determine the range of purposes and varieties of the most common uses of video resources. Examples of how technology has been used to support the use of video materials in language teaching and learning have been provided. The potential benefits and challenges of using video materials in language teaching and learning have been outlined. It has been justified that video materials promote language learners’ motivation, influence vocabulary growth providing an efficient and effective way to learn real-life language. The most common ways of the applying of video materials for individual work have been considered such as listening and comprehension practice; vocabulary building; grammar practice; pronunciation practice, cultural immersion; independent research and collaborative projects.


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