


foreign language competence, future energy engineers, pedagogical conditions, foreign language, higher education applicants


The paper covers the analysis of the problem of finding effective pedagogical conditions for the development of foreign language competence of students majoring in power engineering in higher educational institutions. The paper proposes solutions to this problem. The paper presents the author's own definition of "pedagogical conditions" as a set of targeted measures that organize and facilitate the educational process, focusing on students' professional and foreign language competence. These measures are influenced by external and internal factors, various forms of educational and scientific work, as well as modern methodologies and innovative technologies. Their purpose is to foster comprehensive personality development and provide professional training for future energy engineers in accordance with current requirements. Through a survey conducted among scientific and pedagogical staff of technical universities, along with the author's own experience, the main pedagogical conditions that foster a favorable educational environment for developing foreign language competence among power engineering students have been identified. These conditions include: building positive motivation among future energy engineers to learn foreign languages during their professional training, integrating project technologies into foreign language instruction at higher educational institutions, developing self-study foreign language communication skills among Master's students in both receptive and productive forms, and implementing interdisciplinary integration of general professional and foreign language training content. The meaning of every pedagogical condition has been theoretically substantiated and the examples of their practical implementation into the educational process have been provided, namely: the introduction of “Nicos Weg” course, working on interactive activities, thematical projects and solving communicative situations. It has been determined that these suggested pedagogical conditions contribute to high-quality foreign language training for students in higher educational institutions and enable the achievement of program learning outcomes that ensure future energy engineers possess the ability and readiness to effectively utilize foreign language knowledge and skills in their professional activities.


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