


approach, scientific approach, professional training, readiness, professional selfimprovement, future specialists in musical art


The article is devoted to the substantiation of the leading scientific approaches to the problem of forming the readiness of future music specialists for professional self-improvement. The role and place of the scientific approach in the structure of methodology as a teaching is determined, and its definition is defined. The analysis of such scientific approaches as: acmeological, synergistic, person-oriented, cultural, axiological, activity, environmental, from the standpoint of which the leading aspects of the problem of professional self-improvement in the professional training of future teachers were investigated and certain features of the implementation of the process of forming the readiness of future teachers-musicians for the specified activity. It was determined that the acmeological approach in the context of the research problem acts as a process of conscious development of potential opportunities, qualities and properties of the individual; the cultural approach involves the formation of the professional worldview of future specialists, their personal and professional values, orientations, guidelines and is based on the desire to independently master and deepen the level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities; the synergistic approach involves a clear structuring of the process of professional selfimprovement and its activation by ensuring the process of self-organization and self-development of the individual; the axiological approach is based on the emergence of the need and value orientations for professional self-improvement, awareness of the importance of professional activity and, accordingly, provides opportunities for its analysis and regulation in order to improve it; the activity approach is based on personal activity in the process of educational activity, which involves self-organization of the individual, implementation of systematic self-control and self-analysis of one's own activities, orientation towards self-transformation and transformation of the surrounding world; the environmental approach constitutes a system of opportunities for managing the process of self-change of the individual, determining the optimal ways of its implementation and aiming at achieving high results. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the specified scientific approaches in their interaction and integrity serve as a conceptual basis for the effective construction of the process of preparing future music specialists for professional self-improvement, become the basis for determining the structure and characteristics of the relevant structural components of readiness for professional self-improvement of future music specialists and justification of certain organizational and pedagogical conditions of its formation. As a result of the research, a conclusion was made regarding the role and significance of the implementation of selected scientific approaches in the process of forming the personality of a student of higher education as a future professional teacher.


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