


blockchain, Internet of Things, databases, automation, verification, education, diploma, management


Blockchain technology remains one of the hottest trends among financial, government and commercial organizations around the world. The article clarifies the main concepts and main characteristics of blockchain technology; today's topical areas of its application are shown. There has been given a detailed description of the problem of verification of educational documents in the real world, current attempts to solve them, their inherent shortcomings, as well as solving these problems using the development and implementation of an automated information system using blockchain technology is made. This is a system that will eliminate the possibility of falsification of educational documents and simplify work with them as much as possible. Technically, such a system guarantees the safety, authenticity and immutability of stored data; provides secure access with the possibility of optional extension of access rights to documents from the owners of the documents themselves. The application of blockchain technology ensures easy migration of existing data on issued educational documents, excluding any real physical actions from the preliminary preparation of data, as well as forgery of educational documents. The problem of the authenticity of the educational document is relevant for every participant in the educational process: the student, the educational institution, and the employer. The scientific novelty of blockchain technology lies in the relatively recent discovery and development of this technology, as well as its application in various spheres of life. The practical significance of blockchain technology lies in the fact that it can be implemented in already existing systems, make improvements to them, and also can be used as a platform that can support various types and types of devices and other technologies. With the growth of the number of participants, the network will only become safer and more reliable, thanks to the features of the blockchain, which will only strengthen the guarantees provided. The implementation of blockchain technology in the sphere of public administration of Ukraine, in particular in the sphere of education, will make it possible to ensure a high level of public trust in state structures, transparency of digital interaction between state bodies, citizens and business structures, saving budgetary resources through transparent public procurement and reducing the level of corruption. The further vector of development can be aimed at the commercialization of the system by providing various information services to persons interested in analyzing the data available in the system.


Влада й бізнес співпрацюватимуть у впровадженні технології блокчейн та регулюванні ринку віртуальних активів. URL: -i-biznes-pratsyuvatymut-uvprovaszhenni-blockchain

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