


higher education, national and international legal documents, high-quality training of an IT specialist, formation of axiological culture and deontological thinking


The article analyzes the research of national and international normative legal documents for the purpose of determining the specifics of training IT specialists. The definition of the topic of values is singled out as one of the component requirements for professional training. The fundamental importance of the opportunity to provide educational means for personal and cultural development is emphasized. The implementation of such a task is related to the formation of axiological culture and deontological thinking. The results of the analysis of international legal acts and the confirmation of the trend of ethnoization of social life, the relevance of the formation of a deontological type of thinking during the professional training of future specialists, in particular in the IT sphere, are presented. It is emphasized that the purpose of our research is the analysis of national and international legal act on the issue of including the formation of axiological culture and deontological type of thinking during the training of specialists in the IT industry. This kind of analysis is reliably confirmed by scientific materials and modern researchers. It is fair to analyze the materials of the leading institutions of the IT sphere – the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Accreditation Committee of the European Network for Quality Assurance in Computer Education. The results obtained at this stage rightly confirm the basic thesis of our research: high-quality professional training of IT specialists is impossible without a formed axiological culture and deontological thinking. It was noted that in scientific practice, Ukrainian researchers also pay considerable attention to the development of the axiological component o training a high-quality, competitive IT specialist. A group of British and American researchers, as well as IT practitioners, revealed that the subject of studying human characteristic is necessary t achieve success in the IT field and business. The need to introduce a competencybased approach in the training of a future IT specialist is indicated. Therefore, the analysis of legal acts and researches of practitioners of the IT industry indicated the perspective of the introduction and development of the axiological component and the deontological component in the preparation of a high-quality IT specialist.


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