


self-development of the teacher, mathematical education, scientific and pedagogical skills, scientific and mathematical skills, psychological and pedagogical skills.


Today, the role and status of the mathematics teacher as an organizer of the educational process is determined by the set of factors of his adaptation to the scientific and educational space. Self-development of a mathematics teacher is a psychological-pedagogical category that includes strategic forms of his activity aimed at interaction with students, teaching staff, parents, etc. At the same time, the strategy of the scientific-normative and scientific-pedagogical activities of the mathematics teacher is a symbiosis of mathematical knowledge and establishing contact with students, based on knowledge in the field of psycho-pedagogical and cognitive-behavioral reactions of students. Therefore, the selfdevelopment and self-improvement of a mathematics teacher is aimed at facilitating the organization of educational activities by taking into account the individuality of students of mathematics education when mastering the basic (mandatory) scientific and programmatic categories of this discipline. Taking into account the conceptual role of the teacher’s self-development as the dominant part of his pedagogical and workshop paradigm, mastering the methods, methods and mechanisms of personal, professional and qualification self-improvement is key for a mathematics teacher. In particular, they include: 1) a combination of self-education and doctrinal educational development; 2) development of philosophical educational categories; 3) highlighting the personal specificity of pedagogical action. For the purposes of this study, it seems necessary to work out the above-mentioned simulacra in the scientific-mathematical projection of interaction, which will be carried out below. In addition, the activity of a mathematics teacher is always mediated by increased innovative demands on his personality, such as the compilation of pedagogical creativity and mastery at the same time. Under such conditions, the criterion superstructure of pelagic mastery, which includes the factors of expedient, productive and dialogic selection of means, mechanisms and approaches to the content-active and effective components of the pedagogical-psychological readiness of the mathematics teacher to interact with students of mathematics education, acquires key mathematicalpedagogical significance. It should be noted that some simulacra of scientific-pedagogical interaction between a teacher and a student through the prism of obtaining a mathematical education – for example, freedom of creativity and professional development – need to be clarified taking into account the science-intensive specifics of this discipline. Taking this into account, in the research it is necessary to develop the accents of the implementation of basic popular science values in the procedure of interaction between a student and a teacher of mathematics.


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