


methodical competence, criteria, indicator, levels, formation, diagnosis


The article examines the problem of developing criteria and indicators for diagnosing the formation of methodical competence in future officers - specialists in physical training and sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. An analysis of scientific works and a summary of information on the diagnosis of the formation of methodological competence in future officers, in particular specialists in physical training and sports, have been carried out. The content of the concepts of criteria and indicators has been determined and justified. The appropriate criteria and indicators necessary for diagnosing the formation of methodical competence have been selected, taking into account their military-professional, professional, and methodological functions as a military teacher, as well as the research tasks set in the scientific study. The importance of forming the methodical competence of future officers, specialists in physical training and sports has been proven, which directly affects the effectiveness of their military-professional and, most importantly, professional activities in both everyday and combat conditions. The purpose of the article is to define and substantiate the system of criteria for diagnosing the formation of methodological competence in future officers - specialists in physical training and sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and to determine their indicators. Taking into account the specifics of conducting diagnostic research on the formation of methodical competence in future officers, specialists in physical training and sports, as well as the specifics of their professional and professional tasks, the following criteria for diagnosing the formation of methodical competence have been identified: value-motivational, cognitive, methodical, individualpsychological, and subjective. For each criterion, appropriate indicators have been selected, which are theoretically determined as the most appropriate for diagnosing the formation of a specific component of methodological competence. Using these indicators, the current state of its formation can be determined. The levels of formation of methodical competence in future officers - specialists in physical training and sports have been determined for each criterion. It has been proven that the developed criteria and indicators for diagnosing the formation of methodical competence provide an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the process of its formation and to develop appropriate measures for its improvement.


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