


“Place-based Education” pedagogical approach, terminology, scientific discourse, Ukrainian version of the pedagogical approach name.


The relevance of the article is determined by the importance of understanding the experience of the “Place-based Education” pedagogical approach, which has significant potential for actualizing connections between schools and territorial communities, strengthening civic and national-patriotic education, studying the history, traditions and cultural specifics of the native land, forming an ecological consciousness and a responsible attitude towards the environment, establishment of social connections, in particular, intergenerational ones. Also, the “Place-based Education” approach is distinguished by its focus on practical activities, the wide application of the project method of education. The article examines the history of the formation and development of the pedagogical approach, its scientific understanding and the formation of the terminology, in particular, the definition of the name of the field in the scientific discourse. The pedagogical approach “Place-based Education” emerged at the turn of the millennium as a response to the challenges of globalization and the establishment of a consumer society. The only agreed term for the name of the approach in the English-language scientific discourse did not appear immediately, but now “Place-based Education” is generally accepted. The purpose of the article is to analyze English terminology and Ukrainian equivalents in order to find an adequate Ukrainian version of the name of the pedagogical approach “Place-based Education”. The goal is related to the importance of terminologically competent naming of this approach in the Ukrainian scientific discourse. The realization of the research goal is achieved thanks to general theoretical and special methods, in particular, descriptive, comparative and semantic analysis methods. In order to determine the most successful Ukrainian term to denote the pedagogical approach “Place-based Education”, the experience of community-oriented education and community-active schools as close in focus and basic principles was analyzed. The main results of the study include the generalization of the history of the definition of the name of the “Place-based Education” approach in the English-language scientific discourse and proposals regarding the Ukrainian term in order to eliminate possible terminological discrepancies.


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