innovation, innovative technologies, innovation process.Abstract
The analysis of the history and pedagogy of innovations opens the possibility to expand and enrich our modern scientific ideas about the role and significance of innovations in the development of society. The main characteristics, principles, trends and perspectives for the development of domestic pedagogy become an extremely urgent task in this context. The purpose of the article is to evaluate and analyze innovative historical-pedagogical concepts that are relevant in the modern conditions of modernization of the domestic educational system and include the main characteristics, principles, trends and perspectives of domestic pedagogy in the introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process. The leading method of research is the theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific sources, the systematization of scientific information regarding the problem of the development of innovative technologies and their implementation in the educational process. The analysis of historical and pedagogical prerequisites for the emergence of innovations in education and scientific literature showed that pedagogical principles, such as problem-based learning, methods of teaching and upbringing, solving problems of unsuccessful students, developmental learning, programmed learning, pedagogy of cooperation, forms of learning, history of school education and comparative pedagogy, school management and best pedagogical practices are all discussed and considered in the context of increasing the effectiveness of teaching and educating learners. Analysis of innovations in education helps to identify key trends, develop innovative approaches, improve the quality of education and ensure the adaptation of educational systems to modern requirements. Pedagogical innovations are characteristic of the scientific works of a number of prominent Ukrainian teachers, such as H.S. Skovoroda, K.D. Ushinskyi, M.I. Pirogov, B.D. Grinchenko, S.F. Rusova, A.S. Makarenko, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi. According to the results of the analysis of scientific sources, it was established that the elements of innovative pedagogy are already historically reflected in the theory and practice of domestic teachers. In particular, the creative approach, humanization of education and pedagogical activity is an important basis for the development of innovative pedagogy. It is established which approaches, concepts and technologies are relevant for modern education. The key characteristics, principles, trends and perspectives that influence the development of modern pedagogy in the field of implementation of innovative technologies are determined. It has been proven that innovative pedagogy is a product not only of modern research, but also of the accumulation of pedagogical work over many centuries. A significant number of ideas, concepts and methods that are considered innovative today have their roots in the works of outstanding teachers of past eras.
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