


interdisciplinary connections, educational process, astronomy, information technology.


The article is devoted to the study of the problem of implementing interdisciplinary connections in the educational process. The problem of improving the quality of education, developing the independence and creative activity of students and preparing them for independent knowledge acquisition and creative activity cannot be fully solved without establishing a holistic picture of the world based on interdisciplinary connections in the educational process. It is outlined that interdisciplinary connections are a system of relations between knowledge, skills and abilities that are formed as a result of a consistent reflection of objective connections with reality in the means, methods and content of academic disciplines, and interdisciplinarity as a scientific and pedagogical innovation that gives rise to the ability to see, recognize, and perceive what is inaccessible within a single discipline with its specific, narrowly focused object, subject, and research methods. Astronomy offers significant opportunities for the realization of interdisciplinary connections. As an academic subject, astronomy has a significant worldview potential, which is realized through links with other disciplines (physics, mathematics, information technology), which are revealed in the educational process when solving applied problems in various subject areas. The purpose of this study is to develop a methodological framework for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the process of studying astronomy on the example of the integrated practical task «Verification of historical facts and events using the virtual environment Stellarium». In order to clarify the state of research of the problem in pedagogical theory and practice, the following theoretical methods were used: analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization of educational, scientific and applied sources, electronic resources on the research problem. The methodological approach to the implementation of interdisciplinarity in the process of solving the integrated practical task “Verification of historical facts and events using the virtual environment Stellarium” is implemented. The solution of integrated content tasks ensures the formation of a unified natural and scientific picture of the world, activates the research activities of students, promotes the active mastery of modern technologies, the formation of professional interests, etc.


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