


ecological culture, philosophical-methodological basis, pedagogical basis, theoretical basis, coherent components, model of formation of ecological culture. Проблема формування екологічної культури.


The article is dedicated to the development of a model for the formation of environmental culture among students of pedagogical higher education institutions – future teachers of vocational education in the field of automotive transportation. The need for environmental education is linked to the necessity of ensuring a favorable environment for human life and activity. The new worldview that environmental education forms requires a change in thinking, a transformation of the deep foundations of our spiritual life. It is precisely effective environmental education, on one hand, as a process and result of assimilating systematized knowledge, acquiring skills, abilities and experience, and on the other hand, as a process of forming a spiritual image, its value-based, worldview-moral attitudes, that should contribute to increasing human ecological culture. To address the stated task, the following methods were employed: theoretical research method (analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical domestic and foreign scientific and educational literature, dissertations, as well as regulatory documents and materials on the informatization and digitalization of education, specialized literature, and electronic information resources on psychological-pedagogical and organizational aspects of education digitalization); observational method (direct and indirect observation, self-observation); praximetric method (analysis of activity outcomes, study and generalization of pedagogical experience, analysis of didactic and methodological documentation). Philosophical and psycho-pedagogical approaches of domestic and foreign scholars to revealing the essence, functions, and structure of the individual's ecological culture have been analyzed. It has been clarified that scholars mostly associate the prospects of forming ecological culture with a civilizational approach, the idea of sustainable development, and the formation of coevolutionary values in the younger generation. Certain psycho-pedagogical regularities and specific features of forming the system of coevolutionary values of students have been identified. A detailed description of criteria (depth, generality, awareness of acquired ecological knowledge, values related to nature and its protection: dominance, modality, intensity, ecological responsibility, ecologically justified activity, preferred activity), indicators (cognitive component, axiological component, normative component, creative-activity component, behavioral component), and levels of formation (low (reproductive), medium (productive), high (creative)) of ecological culture of future teachers of vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions in the field of automotive transport have been provided. A brief characterization of the philosophical-methodological, theoretical, and pedagogical bases of the research problem has been given, and a model for the formation of students' ecological culture in a higher education pedagogical institution has been developed in the context of: cultural-civilizational ideas of environmental safety and fundamental teachings about the biosphere and noosphere; psycho-pedagogical research related to the formation of the individual's ecological culture in the system of continuous education; theory and methodology of scientific-pedagogical research. 


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