


experiment, formation, diagnostic competence, future specialists of physical training and sports, assertory pedagogical experiment, criteria, levels, research methods


The relevance of the problem of forming diagnostic competence of future specialists in physical training and sports can be confirmed in our case by an experimental study. Accordingly, we conduct the ascertaining pedagogical experiment, which will allow us to confirm the relevance of our study experimentally. This makes it possible to develop the methodology of the formative experiment. Thus, the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment is aimed at establishing the actual state of formation of diagnostic competence of future specialists in physical training and sports. The aim of the article is to determine the state of formation of diagnostic competence in future officers – specialists in physical training and sports at the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment. The article presents the results of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment on the formation of diagnostic competence of future specialists in physical training and sports. The levels of formation of their diagnostic competence are characterized as low, sufficient, average and high. The research was carried out with the future specialists of physical training and sport of the educational-scientific institute of physical training and sports-health technologies of the National University of Defense of Ukraine. It was found that on the cognitive and methodological components, the future specialists of physical training and sports have a low level of formation. The formation of the value-motivational component shows that the main value now, for each serviceman is his family, service to his state. It is substantiated that there is a need for the formation of theoretical knowledge of methods, methodological techniques, techniques, means of diagnosing the physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen. There is a lack of practical knowledge concerning the skills and abilities of applying the methods, methodological techniques, techniques of evaluating the physical preparedness and readiness of servicemen. The formation of the subjective component is at a low level; unfortunately, not all cadets see themselves in the future as officers, subjects of diagnostic activities, future supervisors of physical training and sports. The systematization of the results at the ascertaining stage of the experiment showed that theoretical and practical diagnostic skills, skills and abilities of future specialists in physical training and sports are not formed enough and require the introduction of additional pedagogical conditions for the purposeful formation of their diagnostic competence in military universities.


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