


physical culture, physical education, education, STEM


Modern youth must orient themselves to new technologies, possess a wide range of competencies, make independent decisions, and show a creative approach to solving emerging problems. The presence of all the listed aspects in the younger generation can be guaranteed only by developing research skills. However, it is necessary to form these skills taking into account the requirements of the modern world and the accelerating technological progress. The phenomenon of STEM education, which is gaining popularity, can be considered one of the areas of innovation in recent pedagogy. Many countries are already implementing STEM ideas in educational institutions, achieving positive results in increasing the importance of education. The relevance of the study is confirmed by the presence contradiction between the need to modernize approaches, forms, methods, technologies for the formation of research skills and the predominance of traditional education models. The revealed contradiction allowed us to formulate a research problem: what are the possibilities of using STEM education in the process of physical education of students? The following were used to achieve the goal of research methods: psychological analysis-pedagogical literature on the problem of research, modeling of the process of physical education of schoolchildren in the conditions of implementation of STEM education. The publication reveals the concepts and principles of STEM education and describes the requirements for STEM projects and STEM lessons in general and in physical culture in particular. Examples of the implementation of STEM technologies in the physical education of students of general secondary education institutions are given. A special place is given to information and computer technologies in the implementation of STEM education. It was determined that STEM education is an innovative approach to the development of a modern school, which provides support for modern education in the country and contributes to increasing the level of formation of research skills of schoolchildren. The formation of research skills in physical education students in the conditions of STEM education is a system of purposeful work on design, modeling and construction. The model (project) should consist of interconnected modules: target (represented by the social order of modern society and approaches, principles, tasks that ensure the achievement of the set goal); meaningful (revealed by a specially developed additional educational program); organizational and operational (characterized by a complex of methods, forms and means, necessary for the effective formation of research skills in schoolchildren); evaluation-resultative. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the structure of physical education skills of schoolchildren acquired through the elements of STEM education consists of four groups: organizational (skills that allow planning and effectively organizing research work); search (skills that have the ability to find a research problem and select adequate research methods for solving it); informational (skills involving work with literary and technical means of information); evaluation (skills that allow you to argue your opinion in the evaluation of your own and third-party works).


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