pedagogical excellence, teacher, research and teaching staff, higher military educational institution, studentAbstract
At the present stage of information society development there is a growing demand for preparation of a new generation of scientists and pedagogical workers, who would be able to actively cooperate with their students, create the innovative educational space focused on students’(cadets’) inquiries and needs, involving them into dynamic cognitive independent activity and informal education by means of mastering the disciplines, able to develop and implement authorial methods into the educational practice. These new requirements for teachers deepen the issues of their training, professional development and, in particular, their pedagogical excellence formation. The purpose of this article is to determine the pedagogical conditions for the pedagogical excellence formation of future teachers of higher military educational institutions. In order to conduct the research in a proper way, the author used such research methods as theoretical analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization of scientific literature. In addition, the author took into account her own empirical experience of training the future teachers of higher military educational institutions at the second (master's) and third (educational-scientific) levels of higher education. The research outcomes, presented in the article, prove that the formation of pedagogical excellence should begin during the teachers’ training and continue throughout their pedagogical work. In addition, it is extremely important to lay the foundation that will open teacher’s personal opportunities and allow them to achieve acme in their professional work. Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention to the formation of professional knowledge, pedagogical skills, professionally important qualities, pedagogical techniques and culture as components of teacher’s pedagogical excellence. To achieve this, nine pedagogical conditions, significant for the pedagogical excellence formation of future teachers of higher military educational institutions, are identified and described in the article as an outcome of the research, namely: motivation of research and teaching staff to train qualified future teachers; favorable socio-psychological climate in the educational environment; educational process interactivity at a higher military educational institution; educational process technologicalization; mastering psychological and pedagogical disciplines, in particular "Pedagogical Skills of a Teacher of Higher Military School"; participating in teaching practice; providing (building) an individual educational trajectory of the future teacher; involvement of future teachers in non-formal and informal education; combination of training and practice of militaryprofessional activity (e.g. military internship, command-staff exercises).
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