



foreign language for specific purposes, pre-service food technologists, level of English language competence, speech production competence


The article deals with history and the current state of pre-service food technologists’ speech production competence developing. The actuality of pre-service food technologists training is determined by the needs of cooperation on the international market and requires English language speech production competence for communication with oversea colleagues and product presentation at international exhibitions. The purpose of the article is to present the analysis results of history and the current state of pre-service food technologists’ speech production competence development. Methods. Analysis of didactic research was carried out in order to study: peculiarities of the discipline Foreign Language for Specific Purposes; approaches to speech production competence developing using in modern science; the level of pre-service food technologist’s English language competence in Ukraine. Analysis of teaching models and study time for discipline Foreign Language for Specific Purposes in the leading universities of Ukraine that train food technologists. Analysis of textbooks on English language for pre-service food technologists. Results. The notion “Foreign Language for Specific Purposes” has been characterized in the article. The trends of modern methodology have been outlined: orientation to special purposes; informational technologies using; students’ autonomy developing. The peculiarities of teaching organization of this discipline for students of non-linguistic specialties have been characterized. Demands for learning results of discipline Foreign Language for Specific Purposes made by Educational Professional Curriculum for specialty 181 Food Technology have been distinguished. Approaches for speech production competence used in modern methodology have been outlined: approaches based on the text, audio and video materials, key words and communicative situations. The most effective approach has been distinguished. The most effective approach has been determined: authentic audio texts are used at the receptive reproductive stage of speech production competence developing; communicative situations and key words are used at receptive productive stage; only communicative situations are used at productive stage. The level of pre-service food technologist’s English language competence in Ukraine has been analyzed. The analysis of teaching models and study time for discipline Foreign Language for Specific Purposes in the leading universities of Ukraine that train food technologists have been carried out. According to the study, students who attendant Ukrainian nonlinguistic universities have a lower level of foreign language competence than B1. So, more academic hours are needed to reach B1+ level. At the same time, an insufficient number of academic hours are allocated to the discipline Foreign Language for Specific Purposes. Textbooks on the English language for pre-service food technologists have been analyzed. It was found that textbooks on English for Specific Purposes for the students who study according to the program 181 Food Technology contain an insufficient number of tasks aimed at speech production competence developing.


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