


multilingualism, plurilingualism, multilingual education, foreign language teaching, multilingual competence


The current research examines the phenomenon of multilingualism and its implications for foreign language teaching in the European Union and Ukraine. It has been found that multilingualism represents the primary tenet of the European language policy and constitutes a fundamental aspect of language learning. Thus, the EU documents emphasize the importance of diversifying language education a foreign language is regarded as means of intercultural communication and a tool in the dialogue of global cultures and civilizations. This has resulted in the formation of a new paradigm of language teaching. The basic principles of multilingual education have been delineated, and the distinctions between multilingual education and traditional forms of foreign language teaching have been identified. It has been noted that scientific and applied research is being carried out in the EU to develop a new and effective program for foreign language teaching. It was observed that current trends in the transformation of the EU educational space led to a shift in the requirements for education in Ukraine. It has been concluded that multilingual education in Europe is a highly supported initiative at all levels of public life, with multilingualism forming the basis for the development of language competence among the EU citizens. Ukraine has established a legal framework to promote multilingualism, and initial progress has been made, although challenges remain in implementing this initiative.


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