generic competences, universal competences, basic skills, European integration processesAbstract
The actuality. The article, on the basis of the analysis of key documents of the EU and modern scientific research, outlines the importance of developing generic competences in the context of European integration processes. The purpose of the article is to analyze the value of the development of generic competences in the context of European integration processes. To achieve this goal, such methods as: theoretical analysis, including retrospective analysis of EU key documents, synthesis, systematization, comparison and generalization of the presented material, were used. In the second half of the twentieth century the views on the future of Europe have changed fundamentally. The European community has made considerable efforts to search for ways of integration, which would not only be possible to revive the wardestroyed economy of Europe and return to active political life, but also to create structures focused on peaceful and sustainable development of European countries, to achieve the unity of peoples, to achieve a rapid pace, which inhabit the European continent. Retrospective analysis of EU documents, which paid attention to the development of generic competences, has testified that over the years the European community is paying more attention to the problem of determining and developing generic competences, which are regarded as a strong potential in solving current economic issues, including: reducing the unemployment rate, increase in the level of mobility of students, teachers, workers of different specialties, etc. Results. It has been found that Ukraine's participation in EU programs is important on the path to European integration. According to the results of the analysis of EU documents, which pay attention to the development of generic competences and modern scientific literature on research issues that for the active and effective participation of specialists in the EU programs, a set of actual generic competences formed at a high level is necessary, including the ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis, ability to be adapted to a new situation, the ability to generate new ideas (creativity), the ability to communicate in a foreign language, etc. It is established that the high step of involvement of social and humanities, including pedagogy, in all clusters of research is fundamental in the most large-scale EU framework programs. Recognition of the social and humanitarian sciences, such as the effective development of which depends significantly in solving complex problems of today, changes the attitude of the European community to them, requires coordination of joint efforts to make current scientific pursuits. The analysis of the key documents of the EU and modern scientific work allows, in our opinion, to consider the development of generic competences as an important factor in the processes of European integration.
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