



institutions of higher education, information and communication technologies, future experts in natural and medical specialties, digital occupational safety


Relevance of research. The development of information technology and the use of computers in biological and medical disciplines have significantly changed the way in which specialists in these fields work and learn. When interacting with information resources, which include software, medical devices, and Internet resources, students and future professionals should be especially attentive to occupational safety issues. Accordingly, studying the basics of occupational safety in these contexts becomes a critical component of the training of future biologists and physicians. The above determines the relevance of considering the main aspects of occupational safety training when working with information tools among students of biological and medical specialties, as well as determining the key challenges and opportunities of this process. The purpose of this article is to reveal the features of training future specialists in the natural and medical fields for safe and effective professional activities that involve the use of information and communication technologies. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, systematization, theoretical generalization of research results. Research results. In our opinion, the key challenges of occupational safety training when working with information tools for future specialists in natural and medical specialties are the following: the growing number of cyber threats and attacks that endanger information systems requires knowledge in the field of cyber security from medical and biological specialists; working with medical data and personal information of patients requires compliance with high security standards to preserve confidentiality; training specialists in quick and effective response to cyber attacks and incidents is becoming an important component of occupational safety. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the opportunities that open up during the coverage of occupational safety issues with informational means for future specialists in biology and doctors: the use of simulation programs allows future specialists to learn safety in conditions that reproduce real situations; interactive online courses and webinars provide an opportunity to learn the basic principles of occupational safety using information tools; access to electronic resources, such as online guides, textbooks and video materials, allows students to independently study and deepen their knowledge of occupational safety issues; regular training and practical exercises help future professionals to consolidate the skills of occupational safety and response to extreme situations.


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