



teachers, training, People's Republic of China, school education, higher education


The study is aimed at analyzing the current state of teacher training in the People's Republic of China. In the course of scientific research, various types and approaches to teacher training in the educational environment of the People's Republic of China were analyzed. It was determined that today the Chinese teacher training system is undergoing transformation and reform to find the most optimal models and approaches in the work on providing relevant knowledge and qualifications to future teachers. The system of training in the People's Republic of China has gone through a number of stages, namely “shifan” (“teacher model”), post-shifan and the modern stage of professionalization of teaching staff. The system of teacher training in the People's Republic of China includes several links depending on the direction and professional orientation of the future teacher. These include both specialized and classical higher education institutions (pedagogical universities and colleges and faculties in classical universities) and teacher training schools. In the course of the study, a number of standard teaching models were identified, which are inherent in the Chinese teacher training system. A number of problematic features have been identified that inhibit educational reforms in the People's Republic of China and this especially affects the training of teachers. For example, a great overload of students with theoretical materials and secondary practical skills, low social significance of the teaching profession and its insufficient material security. However, selection into the teacher training system in the People's Republic of China is quite specific and has a number of peculiarities.


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