strategic narratives, conceptual marketing model, professional development, professionalism, integrative methodological productsAbstract
The article deals with the problem of teachers’ professional support and development. Attention is focused on the concept of strategic narrative in the methodological and organizational activities of modern Centers for the Professional Development of Teachers (CPDP) aiming at taking the implementation of issues of strategic communication with teachers as the basis. Strategic narratives as a type of activity of professional centers contributing to the new construction of a wide variety of mechanisms to achieve a common understanding of processes related to the formation of a successful professional trajectory of teachers is proposed. A content analysis of strategic narratives based on the experience of the Ternopil Communal Methodological Center for Scientific and Educational Innovations and Monitoring (TCMCSEIM) is carried out, their effectiveness in relation to the professional development of teachers by means of informal education is determined. A new vision for the updated CPDP in light of implementation of the main trends of education development in an applicative format is presented. The article considers the results of formulation analysis of the Center's Marketing Activity Strategy, a management tool. In order to understand the methodological and practical format, attention to the key issues of strategic communication through the structural and functional plane of the CPDP is paid. Notice of the conclusions and recommendations forming the goals of an applied nature in the content of modern professional centers is taken. The significance of the creation of integrative educational products in the process of constructive interaction of teachers and its contribution to the introduction into educational circulation of authorial innovative methodological infrastructures of the CPDP with many integral components are proved. The content of the work of the CPDP consultant as a guide between the teacher and the informational and technological environment is revealed.
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