


self-development, self-expression, self-realization, self-regulation, existence, synergetic approach, educational process, post-no classical educational paradigm


The problem of self-development of a student related to the transformation of the educational process in the post- neoclassical science is highlighted. This problem is considered in the context of a synergetic approach with the actualization of the needs and opportunities for self-organization of the applicant’s personality as a holistic characteristic of a human. It is noted that the pedagogical process of an educational institution of innovative type should be aimed at developing the abilities of the applicant, their ability to meet the challenges of the information society and self-realization in the changing conditions of the modern world. It is stated that self-development of an applicant within the synergetic paradigm of education requires a reorientation of the educational process from traditional conservative to innovative creative, in which the acquisition of vital competencies is carried out in interaction (communication) with other subjects and taking into account external (physical) and internal (mental) human activity. It is substantiated that the key aspects of the self-development of the student should be focused on the formation of their optimal developmental lifestyle. It is about the ability to self-determination, personal growth, self-regulation, existence, self-expression, self-realization. In the projections of the synergetic paradigm, the individual as a complex, open, nonlinear system appears with all the potential opportunities for self-development, which can be realized under certain organizational and pedagogical conditions. It is stated that despite the fact that the applicant – the future specialist controls their own development, the teacher of higher education should exercise general management of educational activities and is fully responsible for the quality of training of the applicant. This is inherent in any level of education. The new roles of the modern teacher (“moderator”, “coach”, “tutor”, “speaker”, “medium”, etc.) set adequate requirements for these roles. Not only the updated knowledge, but also the ways of obtaining it and the possibilities of its application become valuable for the student at various stages and levels. Key aspects of selfdevelopment: the ability to self-determination, personal growth, self-regulation, existence, self-expression, selfrealization will contribute to the formation of the individual’s personality, open to new knowledge and values, able to realize their own life purpose.


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