professional training of agro-industrial vocational education pedagogues, professional digital competence, digital technologies, ICT, digital educational environmentAbstract
The article singles out the urgent problem of updating the content of the professional training of the vocational education pedagogues, which, from the modern point of view, should cover the issues of organizing the educational process in the digital environment, the features of the “digital generation” and the methods of their education and upbringing. The readiness to introduce ideas about the digital transformation of the agricultural sector in the content of such specialists' digital competence has been expediency taken into account. The essence and content of the professional digital competence of future vocational education pedagogues for the agro-industrial area and its essential components have been revealed. It has been found such competence can be interpreted as a certain level of specialist's readiness to communicate, associate and collaborate safely, develop digital educational resources and solve professional problems with ICT and tools. The complex systemic nature of the professional digital competence of the future vocational education pedagogues in the agroindustrial profile has been emphasised. In its structure, general, didactic, and professionally oriented components have been distinguished, as well as production-technological and special profile aspects, which reflect the specifics of professional training of specialists for the agro-industrial sector, have been shown. The structure of students' digital competence in engineering and pedagogical specialities for the agro-industrial profile presented as structural and criteria-based components including motivational, informational, instrumental and reflective ones has been substantiated and described. It is the digital educational environment of the higher education institution that is defined as the leading resource supplying this process. Such an environment provides communication, feedback with students, management of their educational activities and vocational training, the construction of a professional educational space, the implementation of network interdisciplinary research and pedagogical support for the students' professional self-determination due to the understanding of the possibilities of professional growth in the information space. The main approaches to using the educational, developmental and educative potential of the digital environment of the higher education institution and open educational space have been revealed. It has been concluded regarding the expediency of application technologies of STEM education, blockchain, telepresence, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, provisions of innovative engineering education CDIO in the formation of future specialists' professional digital competence.
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