


synergetic, synergistical approach, system, self-organization, methodology, primary education


The educational process in a modern primary school involves a change in the position of the student: from the object of study they become active subjects of educational activities, which requires the activation of their self-organization. At the same time, the essence and purpose of education is not in the scholastic increase of information, but in the information support of the constant development of an individual. This problem is especially relevant in the context of distance learning in the New Ukrainian School (NUS), so increasingly popular are learning technologies aimed at enhancing the educational and cognitive activities of students and forming their readiness for independent work. Life in modern society requires that an individual develops the qualities of autonomy and organization: independence, initiative, ability to think creatively, etc. These qualities are considered as components of a single process of self-organization of an individual. Synergetic can be interpreted as a methodological basis for educational, prognostic, organizational and didactic-managerial educational activities. We characterize synergetic as an opportunity to solve problems of education in accordance with modern challenges. Despite numerous studies, the problem of implementing a synergetic approach in the formation of skills of self-organization of educational activities of primary school students remains open. The article describes the synergetic approach as a methodological basis of the theory of self-organization of educational activities of junior schoolchildren. The research of scientists in the field of synergetic, namely the transformation of its ideas in pedagogy as a basic idea of the theory of self-organization of educational activities of primary school students, analyzes the key ideas and positions of synergetic through the prism of interpretation of the educational process. The explication of the problem is carried out in the context of the analysis of the pedagogical system of primary school. The study presents the features of the synergetic approach in the first grade school. The essence of the synergetic approach as an interdisciplinary direction of cognition is considered. It is established that the synergetic approach allows to form self-organization of educational activity. It has been studied that the educational process in primary school can also be considered an open system, as it carries out a continuous process of exchange of information (knowledge) between teacher and students (feedback), and constantly changing the content of education according to society as a whole. The content of educational and cognitive activities during the formation of skills of self-organization of primary school students from the point of view of synergetic approach is revealed. The main regularities of the process of teaching junior schoolchildren as an open and complex system and a complex of multicomponent, interdisciplinary and multilevel knowledge are outlined, providing an opportunity to identify the main areas of synergetic ideas in the educational process. It is concluded that the implementation of a synergetic approach to the management and organization of the educational process of primary school will significantly increase its efficiency, make the educational process more flexible and universal.


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