


STEM education, STEM practices, model, education reform, pedagogical education, pedagogical staff


STEM education is one of the important directions of educational reform of the XXI century. The article focuses on modern initiatives that are made in the field of STEM learning and require the development of a model of education reform that responds modern needs of society. It is noted that the proposed educational scenario confirms the hypothesis underlying this study, namely, the need to reform the existing model of educational staff training in the direction from classical education to innovative STEM education. It is substantiated that the issues of STEM education are not only issues and problems in the field of natural and mathematical sciences, engineering, advanced technologies, but also, first of all, educational policy, methodology, management and organization of activities. It is confirmed that STEM education is best implemented through a combination of its different levels: formal, non-formal, informal. The article proposes mechanisms of reforming pedagogical education for the introduction of STEM education at the Pedagogical University with aim of the training of educators of the new formation and the main components of this model. The model of pedagogical staff training includes: creation of scientific and research STEM centre, educational policy (conceptual and methodological developments of education reform model in STEM direction), increase of communication intensity on STEM education topic, promotion of STEM education ideas among the general public, increase of educators’ qualifications and practitioners involved in education. A study was conducted to test this model in practice during 2016-2020. STEM-education in Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University (TNPU) was implemented taking into account the updating of the content of educational and professional programs in accordance with the requirements of the labour market, personal approach, formation of competencies and skills in the field of advanced technologies. It is established that the main indicators of the results of STEM education implementation at the university are: active participation of pupils, students, teachers in various forms of STEM training in the STEM centre of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of TNPU, growing interest in STEM projects and STEM practices with help of excursions, competitions, festivals, science picnics.


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