adaptation, sports lyceum, lyceum student, the educational process at lyceumAbstract
Admission to an educational institution implies changes the living conditions of first-year students, causes destruction of earlier skills, habits and values of former pupils. The article deals with the ways of first-year students’ adaptation taking into account the experience of the teaching staff of Ternopil pedagogical sports lyceum. The carried out theoretical analysis results in determination of social adaptation as a phenomenon that consists of process and result of developing by individual social experience due to purposeful influences of the educational environment of the sports lyceum on a personality. The peculiarities of first-year students' adaptation to study have been analyzed, as far ksas an adaptation period for every student is different, depending on their psychological characteristics, level of preparation for study. Possible reasons for lyceum students' maladaptation have been characterized: lack of parent's control, new conditions and requirements for study, internal personal conflicts. The factors that influence on the process of adaptation and the difficulties of first-year students' adaptation have been considered in the paper. Based on empirical research of students' social adaptation of pedagogical lyceum, there have been defined the innovative methods and techniques on maintenance of social adaptation that include trainings, video lectures, round tables, interactive activities with lyceum students, parents, teachers, educators and active work of the social pedagogue.
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