fundamentalization, advanced education, mathematical training, bachelor, electronicsAbstract
The article substantiates the expediency of the implementation of the advanced learning in the process of fundamental mathematical training of bachelors in the field of electronics and telecommunications. At the moment, the field requires mandatory (deep) knowledge of the main classical sections of mathematics, it is also important to acquaint students in higher mathematics with elements of modern mathematical theories, concepts that allow learners to better understand special courses in mathematics and relevant special disciplines. materials of mathematics, which are used in the modern mathematical models of technical developments. The aim of the article is to reveal the approaches to the concept of the advanced learning in the process of fundamental mathematical training of future bachelors in the field of electronics and telecommunications.The main methods that were implemented in the study of the problem of advanced learning were the analysis and synthesis of the scientific sources on the selected problem, observation, implementation of projects and evaluation of their results. It is offered (from the first semester) to introduce generalized concepts (norm, operator, etc.) in time, to acquaint with ideas of variational calculus, functional analysis, mathematical methods of research of linear equations with variable coefficients, theory of stochastic approximation, mathematical modelling. Then the future specialist will be able to comprehend the objects, which have been already developed by mathematicians but have not been used yet. Thus, a difficult topic or concept can be considered in advance in some connection with the currently studied material. For example, during the study of a function and the construction of its graph, along with the asymptote, students can be introduced to the approximation of the function, the concepts of interpolation and approximation. It is expedient to acquaint students with these problems more deeply during performance of independent tasks (consultations, the abstract, the report at conference, etc.).
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