


digital technologies, digital tools, learning process, distance learning, blended learning, SWOT analysis


The features of digital tools and educational platforms are considered. It is noted that the Google Workspace for Education package has all the necessary functionality for the implementation of distance learning in full. The use of Digital Tools Google in the educational process at Lutsk National Technical University has been analyzed in accordance with the ranking method. It was determined that teachers most often use Google Drive to store information in cloud storage and co-edit documents (84 % of respondents), and Google Meet – to organize lectures remotely (72 % of respondents). Most teachers consider it possible to transfer lectures and consultations to a remote format, but it is advisable to conduct practical classes in a classroom layout, which involves face-to-face communication between teachers and students and the use of university educational equipment. A functional scheme of organization of training with the help of digital tools Google has been suggested. Its use is recommended both for personal purpose in the design of the discipline, and for conducting trainings for improving teaching skills. Digital applications for organizing the educational process, preparing educational material, conducting lectures, practical classes and evaluating academic achievements have been specified. The final stage is reflection, as a result of which the teacher makes changes to the organization and content of the educational process as for certain discipline, and the student can adjust the personal level of knowledge and skills. A SWOT analysis of the use of digital technologies in higher education institutions was carried out (on the example of Lutsk National Technical University). The number of identified strength indicators according to the outlined criteria is much greater, which is a sign of the viability and prospects of digital technologies in the implementation of the educational process in the surroundings of today’s challenges. The weak side is the lag in the digital competence of teachers from the rapid development of digital technologies. The main threats in the present and future are related, in our opinion, to two factors. The first is financial, since insufficient state funding of educational institutions significantly complicates the widespread use of licensed software products. The second factor is internal, personal, due to the low motivation of teachers (especially older ones) to develop and improve e-teaching skills.


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