



testing, test diagnostics, computer testing; Google Forms, diagnosing the level of education


The article focuses on the role of pedagogical testing, which is carried out for the aim of test diagnostics at different stages of learning (initial, in the process of learning the material and its control). It is emphasized that today computer testing is widely used due to the fact that it helps to optimize the educational process and allows you to quickly and objectively perform evaluations with rapid processing of results and the use of feedback technology to build a person-centered learning trajectory. There are a number of benefits to computer testing. The Google Form service, which is often used to create computer tests, is briefly described. For the aim of our research, the results of which are presented in the article, we chose to prove the effectiveness of computer testing created using Google forms at the stage of input control to build a trajectory of the special course and the final - to determine the effectiveness of training. The research method provided using a computer testquestionnaire created with the help of a Google form to conduct a survey of respondents, students of the special course «Media Literacy of a Teacher Philologist», to quickly obtain the necessary information about them to build an effective learning strategy. It is shown that the answers to the computer questionnaire-test before starting the thematic special course give the curator the opportunity to study the target audience of the special course and adjust the learning strategy and identify productive methods of media literacy that will be effective in this special course, specific group. After completing the special course, get factual data on the level of media literacy acquired by students after studying in the special course and prove or disprove the effectiveness of training. Figures of the total indicator of the level of media literacy of teachers of philological disciplines have proved the effectiveness of the use of computer testing in the process of organizing education. It was found that computer tests, created using the service «Google Form», allow the teacher based on the analysis of respondents’ answers to quickly establish the level of education (in our case – the level of media literacy) of students before learning and take it into account when building a personality-oriented trajectory training in a special course, as well as to establish the effectiveness of training on it.


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