


motivation, distance learning, teacher-tutor, educational community, methodical and didactic principles of teaching, technical tools


The article considers the question of boosting motivation of language specialty students during distance learning. The problem of increasing students’ motivation during distance learning is complex, completely unresolved and relevant. It is closely related to the questions of lesson organization and conducting, ways of intensifying students’ cognitive activities in the study group, the ability to provide constructive support and exchange views on different topics. The purpose of the given article is to check on the basis of the obtained practical results what means and methods can increase students’ motivation in the process of studying practical course of the German language. It is established that the crucial prerequisite for successful online learning is a conscious consideration of the motivational factor and the ability to manage it throughout the learning process. The effective factors of online lessons are indicated in the paper: well-selected and prepared material, teaching methods tested by experience and based on technical tools on various educational platforms, selected, structured and appropriately used content, forms and teaching aids. The means and methods of boosting students’ motivation in the process of studying Practical course of the German language are analyzed, considering the specific nature of this subject. It is established that the implementation of the conceptual ideas of education is carried out with the help of information technology, which is based on the fundamental didactic principles – activation, autonomy, constructiveness and a special role is paid to the whole study group. The functions and tasks of the tutor, his role in the formation of a sense of group unity in order to intensify students’ activities during distance learning are revealed. Recommendations for boosting students’ motivation in the process of online studying Practical course of the German language are developed.


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