


medical students, professional and communicative image, Ukrainian as a foreign language


In today’s globalized world, the academic migration of persons receiving higher education outside their home countries is gaining more and more popularity. The main factor in the success of obtaining a professional qualification in foreign universities is proficiency in the language in which educational services are provided. For foreign applicants for higher education (in particular, medical one) in Ukraine, the language of instruction is Ukrainian or English, but in any case, the language of interaction in the academic and sociocultural environment is the state language of the country of study. So, foreign students who receive higher medical education in Ukraine in English, master the Ukrainian language as a means of communicative interaction in the social, cultural, educational and academic environment, and also during clinical practice. This article presents a model of the result of language education of foreign medical students – their professional and communicative image. An accurate understanding of the learning outcome, focus on this result will significantly increase the effectiveness of the educational process. The author describes the structure and content of the studied phenomenon. The professional and communicative image of a doctor is a complex multicomponent phenomenon, the formation of which ensures the success of the communicative act in the professional sphere. This research provides a generalized list of requirements for the personality of a healthcare professional. The listed qualities should be manifested in a certain communicative style through strategies and tactics, and their implementation is ensured by knowledge of the necessary language means and mastery of skills in various types of speech activity. The model of professional and communicative image developed by the author as a result of teaching the Ukrainian language to foreign medical students has three levels: psychological, cognitive, and operational. The components of the psychological level are moral and ethical, volitional, organizational-communicative and professional-communicative qualities of a future doctor; knowledge of communication strategies and tactics required by a highly qualified physician, as well as typical genres of medical discourse constitute the cognitivecommunicative level; language units we refer to the cognitive-language level; empathic listening, tolerant speaking, reading and writing in the clinical field are referred to the operational level. The linguodidactic description of the components of the studied phenomenon served as the basis for the development of a multiaspect model of language education for foreign medical students in the English-language form of education.


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