



ICT, blended learning, distance learning, forms of learning, higher education applicant


The essence of the notions of “blended learning”, and “distance learning” and their importance in higher education have been highlighted. The history of “blended learning”(BL) origin is considered as well as various approaches of the researchers regarding the interpretation of that definition are presented. To achieve the goal of the research, such methods as analysis, synthesis, the study of scientific literature, and Internet sources on the particularly pertinent problem of BL implementation within modern higher education conditions are used. Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, some tendencies in the implementation of BL in the system of higher education have been summarized. It has been stated that Bl, as a groundbreaking technology, can’t appear on its own and is unable to exist in its pure form but it must be a flexible system of distance learning, added with a direct interaction of a professor and education applicants during traditional learning that, in its turn, will predominantly allow intensifying the educational process, building out and increasing the effectiveness of self-study work. It has been clarified that common to the definition of BL is the interaction of subjects in the educational process by combining three different ways of learning: distance learning (DL), traditional learning, and independent learning. DL is supposed to take into account the changes that have taken place in the educational information structure of modern society, which determines the relevance of the development and implementation of ICT. It can be considered as a means of modernizing the education system, enriching the quality of BL by adding the extensive application of ICT and lifting it to new levels. Its strengths and weaknesses are subjected to scrutiny, where the latter can be weakened or eliminated through the active usage of the advantages of BL as a demanding form of modern education. It has been postulated that, firstly, the pertinence to the introduction of BL is predominantly based on the fact that it is impossible to accomplish academic achievements, by realizing only one pedagogical technology. Secondly, it is not worth contradicting distance (online) and traditional (face-to-face, offline) learning, drawing attention that nowadays both forms of learning are not being applied in a pure form. Thirdly, DL will never displace offline learning and the main purpose of BL lies in not pushing out this form of learning but integrating it effectively. It has been inferred that BL cultivates opportunities to optimize the timing expenses of a teacher and increase the efficiency of the learning process in general. Furthermore, a student has become an active participant in the learning process, who can build up an individual learning trajectory.


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