


graphic competence, training of future teachers of Labor Education and Technology, individual educational and research task, graphic editors, digital program control machine, plywood


The role of graphic competence in the training process of future teachers of labor education and technology has been substantiated in this article. Examples of students' use of the acquired knowledge in Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics in further educational and practical activities have been established. There are reading drawings of products (parts) for their manufacture; design and execution of graphic images of products (parts); development of a logical sequence of the technological process for the manufacture of the product; designing a garment pattern, etc. The growing role of machines with digital program control (DPC) is taken into account and the role of graphic representation of the part (product) in digital format for their manufacture on such machines is also investigated. It is proposed to provide the emphasized training of students to perform drawings of parts (products) by means of graphic editors with the prospect of their manufacture on machines with DPC. The purpose of the article is to reveal the features of preparation of future teachers of labor education and technology to perform drawings of product details in graphic editors with the subsequent manufacture of these objects on machines with digital program control. The peculiarities of training students in Computer Graphics at Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University during studying of disciplines «Descriptive Geometry, Drawings and Computer Graphics», «Computer Graphics and Multimedia» have been analyzed. It is determined that students are not able to fully master Computer Graphics due to the lack of hours and the large number of commands and functions that are provided by such computer programs. It is proposed to enhance the preparation of students for mastering computer graphics through the independent implementation of students' drawings of product details using a graphic program in extracurricular time in the form of an individual educational research tasks (IERT). The expediency of making drawings of product parts by means of a graphic program with their subsequent manufacture by a machine with digital program control (DPC) has been substantiated. Plywood is proposed as a construction material for the design of the products by means of graphic editors with the subsequent manufacturing by machines with DPC. The structure of IERT is proposed: to make drawings of details of a product according to the instruction; provide a “photo report” of the sequence of drawings according to the instructions with a short description; to change the design of the product based on the knowledge and skills formed by making drawings according to the instructions. An example of IERT instructions for students is given. It involves the use of KOMPAS-3D. The phone stand is considered as a sample of performance by students for IERT.


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