


tutoring, tutor, teacher (tutor), curator, teacher, professional training


The topical problem of using the tutoring system of education and upbringing of student youth during the introduction of distance learning has been considered. The purpose of the article is to investigate the role of a tutor in the formation of professional competence of students in the training of future health and safety specialists during the introduction of distance learning. The main types of distance learning technologies have been analyzed, which allows to carry out distance learning, not only without losing the quality of learning, but on the contrary improving it through individualization, active learning methods, bilateral interaction between a teacher and a student. The author substantiates the advantages of introducing distance learning to prevent the complication of the epidemiological situation and the creation of favorable learning conditions in the context of the spread of COVID-19. The peculiarities of the work of a tutor in the conditions of online learning have been described. It has been established that the introduction of distance learning via the Internet, with periodic counseling of students by teachers-consultants (coordinators, tutors) – is a resource to fully ensure the level of knowledge acquisition and skills necessary for future professional activity and further career growth labor protection specialists. The author reveals the essence of the concept of «tutor». The importance of a tutor in the application of distance learning in higher education institutions is theoretically substantiated. It has been established that a tutor is a key figure in the distance learning process. The responsibilities, roles, functions and tasks of a tutor in modern educational conditions, to ensure the quality of educational services in higher education institutions and to achieve the goal of education are highlighted. The pedagogical conditions of training, which are realized by a teacher (tutor), during the introduction of distance learning, during the professional training of future specialists of occupational safety in order to obtain a competent specialist, are presented. It has been estimated that the role of a teacher (tutor) is expanding and updating in the system of distance education. It has been established that a teacher (tutor) coordinates the cognitive process using various forms of interaction (seminars, webinars, video-lectures, video-conferences), improves digital educational content, provides meaningful advice, manages educational projects and other.


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