


дистанційне навчання, електронне навчання, специфіка, іноземна мова, інтернет-ресурс, блог, Веб 2.0


The article reviews the key peculiarities of teaching foreign languages in the conditions of distance learning. It has been established that the basis of modern paradigms of education consists in scientific and theoretical concepts reflecting the main features of reality. These include personality-oriented learning, individualization and differentiation of educational activity, the formation of motivation to learn, self-development of students and etc. The given conceptual ideas of education are successfully implemented in modern information and educational environment. This provides the organization of the educational process due to information and communication technologies both in person and remotely. Modern paradigms of teaching foreign languages reflect the main features of the modern educational system. The article has considered distance learning as one of the actual areas of modernizing education, as well as the peculiarities of teaching foreign languages ​​in terms of distance learning. It has been summarized that the process of introducing distance learning into the educational system in different countries has its own peculiarities. The specificity of the subject “Foreign language” is correlated with the specifics of distance learning, the main peculiarities of which are network (remote) interaction of all participants of the learning process and a relatively bigger scope of individual work conducted in the form of “Just in time”, interactivity, selection and structuring of educational materials (authentic texts), pedagogical technologies, etc. It has been concluded that distance learning is a motivating factor in learning foreign languages. It contributes to the achievement of personal, metadisciplinary, subject learning outcomes and, ultimately, achieving the aim of learning foreign languages, that is forming foreign language communicative competence


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