


interesting Linguistics, grammatical competence, grammar, terminology, future teachers, language personality


The questions of formation of grammatical competence as a component of an individual’s linguistic competence have been considered, the essence of the definition of “grammatical competence” has been analyzed and author’s comprehension of this notion has been suggested. The structural components of grammatical competence (grammatical knowledge, grammatical skills and abilities and grammatical awareness) have been singled out. It has been emphasized that the study of grammatical system of a language requires logical operations, such as scientific information analysis, ability to compare, relate and summarize the linguistic facts and deduce certain regularities. The possibilities of the subject “Formation of primary school students’ language personality by means of interesting Linguistics” in the process of formation of students’ grammatical competence in the context of linguistic subjects cycle have been outlined. Special attention has been paid to the application of interesting Linguistics elements while teaching students notional and categorical apparatus. It has been suggested to take into account the interpretation of linguistic terms by linguists, consider and correspond the modern ones with their equivalents in the old Grammar books. It has been proved that the definition of the term “Grammar” has been narrowed down diachronically. There have been outlined the other methods and techniques applied to form student’s grammatical competence (revealing linguistic notions etymology, using linguistic aphorisms, Comparative Historical Linguistics elements, didactic poetry, linguistic fairytales, entertaining tasks, exercises, jokes, learning projects) that contribute to enlargement of future teachers’ scientific perspective and their professional level growth.


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