


philologist, Polish language, phonetic competence, exercise, rhetorical game


The article analyzes the concept of phonetic competence. It is noted that in the formation of foreign language communicative competence, one of the components is phonetic competence. It is determined that there is no consensus among researchers on the definition of “phonetic competence”. After all, some scientists understand phonetic competence as the correct pronunciation of sounds and sound combinations, correct stress and mastery of intonation language models. Others – as the ability to normative phonetic design of personal foreign speech and understanding the speech of others. It is emphasized that phonetic competence is directly related to speech technique, the elements of which are breathing, voice, diction, orthoepy. Phonetic skills are distinguished: to pronounce the sounds of the Polish language correctly, to have a clear diction, to emphasize words according to norms, to modulate the voice, to change its intonation, to adjust the tempo of speech in accordance with the situation, listeners, the purpose of the statement, to breathe correctly. It is indicated that the effectiveness of the phonetic competence formation depends on the use of effective methods. Among the methods, the following have been highlighted: explanatory-illustrative method of learning, observation of text and speech, problem method, role playing, exercises and so forth. There have been suggested exercises aimed at formation of phonetic competence. It is noted that role playing should be used in addition to exercises. It is emphasized that conduction of Polish language classes with the use of game material activates students, contributes to high performance in knowledge and motivates to learn Polish. Rhetorical games have been highlighted – conversational games that develop skills of interpersonal and collective effective communication. The article describes the articulatory rhetorical game “Phonetic warm-up”, the purpose of which is to form the skills of clear, quick and error-free speech, the development of students' creative skills. An example of an intonation rhetorical game has been also given. The article emphasizes that when learning the Polish language, it is important to use the authentic text as often as possible and constantly work on improving of phonetic competence of future philologists.


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