


digital competence, digital technologies, future teacher, concept, system


The development of digital competence of new generation teachers is a priority of a modern higher education institution. It is important in this context to develop a methodological component of the system of digital competence development of future teachers of humanities, which will determine the goals, content, methods, forms and means of digital competence development. Therefore, the aim of the article is to substantiate the methodological component of the model of development of digital competence of future teachers of humanities. The study analyzes the international framework of digital competence for citizens, in particular the framework of digital competence DigCompEdu, UNESCO standards “UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers. Version 3”, which reflects the latest technological and pedagogical advances in the use of ICT in education. It is important to describe the digital competence of the pedagogical worker, which includes the requirements to a humanities teacher and a set of skills to acquire, as well as the levels of digital competence of a pedagogical worker. A new Digital Education Action Plan (2021–2027) has been substantiated, outlining the European Commission's vision for high-quality, inclusive and accessible digital education in Europe. In the context of the study the analysis of the Concept of development of digital competencies adopted in Ukraine in 2020, the ways and means of solving the problems outlined in the document and the expected results are very important. The action plan for the implementation of the Concept of development of digital competencies includes regulatory, scientific and methodological, information support, deadlines and performance indicators. The described methodical component of the system of digital competence development of future teachers of humanities is developed in accordance with the European framework of digital competences, the concept of digital competence development and the description of digital competence of a pedagogical worker. This system is focused on application in the system of higher education. The methodological component of the system of development of digital competence of future teachers of humanities, which is carried out in the digital educational environment of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, has been also substantiated.


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