methodical work, system, professional competence, teacher, educational institutionAbstract
On the basis of consideration of theoretical, methodological and scientific literature, the essence of the basic concepts of the research problem have been analyzed. It has been established that control is inherent only in complex integral systems. It is determined that every teacher, head of an educational institution, at one’s position in cooperation with one’s colleagues, must perform one’s own specific functions, while simultaneously guiding one’s activities towards achieving the overall goal of the system. It is indicated that the management of the development of teacher's professional competence, as a rule, is carried out at several levels: hierarchical management (arises in connection with an order, instruction, requirement, the formation of regimes and restrictions, which are part of the main documentation of the educational institution); parity management (provides for democratic, interested, equal participation for all in the life and activities of an educational institution, in the process of which there are no authority and subordinates, but there is a useful joint activity focused on application of personal interests and qualities in common work; parity interaction makes it possible to discover hidden abilities of a teacher, there is mutual learning) and latent management (it aims at application of a large amount of information and opportunities from the outside to stimulate the teacher's creative search, push him to independently invent an idea or solution). It was found that scientific and methodological work in an educational institution is a holistic system based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience and on a specific analysis of the educational process, a system of interrelated actions and activities aimed at a comprehensive improvement of qualifications in the professional skills of each teacher and educator (including measures to manage professional self-education and self-education of teachers), to develop and increase the creative potential of the teaching staff, and ultimately to improve the educational process, to achieve the optimal level of education, upbringing and development of specific specialists.
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