



performing skills, accordionist, repertoire, intonation, interpretation


The article emphases the importance of training a teacher-musician, improving the quality of his education by achieving the necessary competencies, one of which is instrumental performance. The basic conditions that affect the development of performing skills of the future teacher are analyzed in the work, which are mastering strong knowledge from the cycle of cultural, musicological and psychological and pedagogical disciplines, closely related to the certain historical period, society, way of life, socio-historical conditions, creative environment, etc., which form the basis of the performing culture of the teacher and instrumentalist. The main factors of development and improvement of performing skills are highlighted, which include technologies of sheet music reading and study of accordion instrumental works. The concept of "intonation", which has been the subject of research by many scientists, musicologists, composers, performers, is described as one of the most effective ways for a composer to create a musical image through which the whole mechanism of reproducing the content and emotional depth of musical works. The article contains examples of "deciphering" intonation by expressive properties in the process of interpreting the work, when the performer becomes a co-author of the composer, penetrating the musical image through knowledge of styles, genres, expressive properties of the system and its tendencies, intervals, chords, harmonic sequences, expressive properties of intonation in the whole complex of performing.


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