


motivational function of the textbook, emotionality of the content of educational materials, ways of didactic organization of educational materials, design of the textbook


The problem of creating a new generation textbook and the implementation of the motivational function in primary school textbooks has been substantiated. The motivational function is characterized as a leading one for the textbooks. The recent publications on the discussed issue have been analyzed. The article emphasizes the importance of the textbook analysis techniques for strengthening its motivational function. The technique of the motivational component representation in the Ukrainian language textbooks for the third grade has been described. The textbook analysis has been carried out considering the following components of the motivational function of the primary school textbooks: the emotional content of educational materials, the ways of its didactic organization, the design of the textbooks. Analyzing the content of the textbooks, the author has taken into account the cognitive interests of young learners and the content characteristics of the materials. Considering the cognitive interests of students means that the textbook contains interesting cognitive materials, various literary genres, topics important for third-graders. The analysis of the subject content with the most interesting information for young learners draws attention to the presence of developmental texts (scientific facts in biology, geography, history, ecology, Ukrainian language, etc.) real life situations, facts from today’s reality; local lore materials; folk works; interesting tasks; famous people’s quotations; elements of humor etc. The presence of various literary genres in the textbook (articles, stories, poems, fairy tales, legends, songs, works of small folklore forms, etc.) has been analyzed. Topics significant for third-graders (changes in natural world, history of the local area, human relationships, stories about famous people, scientific travels, discoveries, life abroad, children’s dreams and hobbies, healthy lifestyle etc) have been analyzed. The author also takes into consideration semantic characteristics of the materials (value, accessibility, curiosity, emotionality). The analysis of the ways of didactic organization of educational materials takes into account the availability of practical tasks, didactic games, tasks involving emotional and evaluative activities, developmental tools, interactive teaching methods, the way of presenting the materials. The design of the textbook has been analyzed in terms of keeping to hygienic requirements, aesthetic and didactic criteria of the decoration. The research has contributed to identifying new possible problems that deserve special study, in particular, the problem of application of emotional and artistic materials in textbooks.


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