


Myron Korduba, pedagogical activity, main milestones, educational and cultural processes, textbooks, lecture courses, gymnasium, university


The presented research provides a comprehensive analysis of the main periods of pedagogical activity of Myron Korduba (1876–1947), the prominent Ukrainian scientist in the fields of History, Geography and Bibliography, as well as a public and political figure in the context of educational and cultural processes that took place in Ukraine in the first half of the twentieth century. The main achievements of the scientist and educator include writing and publishing textbooks and lecture courses, in particular, “Paintings from World History for Folk and Special Schools”, “Methodology of History”, “History of the Western Slavs in the Age of Peremyslid and Piast”, “History of the Galicia-Volyn Principality”, “Lectures on the History of Ukraine, given at the University of Warsaw” and others. The peculiarities of M. Korduba’s pedagogical activity in accordance with the main milestones of his life have been analyzed. As a teacher and organizer of educational activities, the scientist worked in secondary and higher schools of Austria-Hungary, the Second Commonwealth and the USSR, in particular, in the second state gymnasium in Chernivtsi, Ukrainian Secret University, Warsaw University, Ukrainian gymnasium in Kholm, the second and the first Ukrainian gymnasiums in Lviv, and in Lviv University, where he had been the Head of the Department of the Southern and Western Slavs. The contribution of M. Korduba to the teaching of historical disciplines and popularization of Ukrainian-language education among the population of Bukovina and Galicia, as well as his teaching methodology, which was based on interdisciplinary links and source processing, has been clarified. It has been proved that M. Korduba had done a significant contribution to the development of modern Ukrainian schooling; and his role in the cultural and educational processes of Bukovina and Galicia in the first half of the twentieth century, especially that of an organizer of higher education in those regions has been outlined.


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