



distance learning, pandemic, e-course, Gen Z Student, MOODLE, information and communication technologies, educational support, students’ information competence, training of future philology teachers


The paper deals with the peculiarities of the educational process in higher education institutions in a distance learning environment. The experience of teaching “History of Nineteenth-Century Foreign Literature” e-course at the Faculty of Philology and Journalism of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University under pandemic conditions has been presented. It has been shown that under quarantine restrictions, distance learning is the most appropriate and effective form of training. It has been proved that the efficiency of distance learning increases with the use of e-courses, developed on MOODLE digital learning platform. The specificity of structuring the electronic course “History of Nineteenth-Century Foreign Literature”, taking into account the peculiarities of a professional training profile of a philology student, has been revealed. The study has demonstrated that Generation Z students prefer creative, atypical and clearly structured educational material, which motivates them to independent learning, activates their intellectual potential, forms the skills of original approach to the literary and artistic phenomena analysis, develops critical thinking and informational competence of a future philology teacher. The methods of using such tools as networking, online educational platforms and media resources in the learning process have been highlighted. Specific forms of work as completing an online dictionary of literary terms, performing individual research in the form of a creative work; writing a final test in the form of an essay, and delivering lectures - “literary battles” have been characterized. Particular attention has been focused on the performance of creative assignments and examples of students’ projects. The study has proved that under COVID-19 pandemic both groups of stakeholders – philology students and educators have benefited from using the course “History of Nineteenth-Century Foreign Literature” via the e-learning platform Moodle.


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