



higher education, STEM-education, online resources, learning models, COVID-19, modeling


The development and improvement of human skills and capabilities through education are key drivers of economic, social success and personal well-being. This study highlights the need for training STEM specialists in educational institutions. An analysis of the conceptual framework and regulatory support for the implementation of STEM-education in Ukraine. The lack of a unified strategy for the digital transformation of domestic higher education institutions and the launch of new STEM-oriented educational programs has been identified. The peculiarities of teaching STEM-disciplines related to the need to use equipment and specialized software are described. An overview of approaches and examples of implementation of STEM-disciplines according to the model of traditional, blended and distance learning at Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatiuk has been given. The need to modify the existing models of teaching STEM-disciplines for the implementation of quality education in the conditions of COVID-19 is substantiated. Examples of STEM-education resources in universities in Great Britain, Spain and Ukraine are given. A model of behavior of teachers of STEM-disciplines under conditions of uncertainty about the model of teaching organization has been developed. The proposed model can serve as a basis for analyzing the needs and capabilities of the educational institution to implement effective teaching of STEM-disciplines in conditions of uncertainty, in particular, caused by COVID-19, costs and alternative ways of organizing the educational process. Prospects for further research are identified.


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