



In modern media, materials which are characterized by skillful organization of language tools to reveal the topic and focus on the recipient, are highly valued. Having professional journalistic skills and a thorough knowledge of the language helps to create texts according to such requirements. Actual in this context is the formation of skills in the years of study related to the observation of the linguistic and stylistic skills of practicing journalists. The purpose of the article is to present the sequence and example of linguistic-stylistic analysis of a journalistic text to clarify the place and role of word-forming and morphological means that form the semantic background and communicative orientation of the message.

Methodological bases of linguistic and stylistic analysis of word-forming and morphological means are a set of approaches that take into account: selection of the publication according to certain criteria (relevance of the topic, genre, authorship, etc.); the structure of tokens and grammatical features of individual parts of speech that create the semantic and stylistic expressiveness of a particular journalistic text. Among the research methods are linguistic analysis, compositional-textual and functional-semantic analysis, the method of establishing semantic-functional paradigms, the quantitative method, and others.

Results of the research. A linguistic and stylistic analysis of O. Suprunenko’s publication «Chym Pakhne Yevropa» («What does Europe smell like?») (Post-Postup. 2008) demonstrates the course of consideration of word-forming and part-of-speech means of a professional text; shows a way of coherent and consistent presentation of their own observations and opinions. In the analyzed text there is objective information, which includes specific names, words with direct meaning, construction terminology, quotes. Subjective information is the author’s reasoning about the topic covered. The tone of its disclosure is informative and skeptical, which aims to provoke a corresponding reaction from the reader. Stylistic originality of the presentation of the theme is manifested in the use of appropriate linguistic and stylistic means: individual innovations, the expressive potential of grammatical categories of nouns, adjectives, verbs, as well as in the creation of ironic imagery.

Stylistic analysis of the text by language levels is an effective means of forming language and speech competence, as it develops the skills of identifying stylistic means in the text and determining their functions to reveal the author’s intention. This form of work also has a research and creative purpose, as it encourages careful study of the stylistic potential of certain means of speech and independently explain their feasibility in a particular text.

