

history of foreign pedagogy, Jesuit college in Messina, Jesuit education system, educational process, Ignatius Loyola


The article provides the analysis of the first years of the Jesuit college Saint Nicholas in Messina (Italy) in 1548–1551. It is stated that this college was the first educational institution the Jesuits made up to educate lay students. The request to establish a school and thereafter a university in the City of Messina came from the secular authority, which is why the whole process of establishing the college was highly influenced not only by the Pope Paul III, Society General I. Loyola and, but also by Sicily Viceroy J. de Vega, his wife E. de Vega Osorio and the city magistrate. It is determined that talented Jesuit teachers were sent to build up the college and organize the educational process, among which J. Nadal stood out, who became the college rector and made the first normative documents in the field of education, which were later used to organize and administer all Jesuit colleges. Based on the analysis of the original documents of the 16th century in particular “Constitutiones Сollegii Messanensis”, “De Ratione Studiorum Collegii Messanensis” and selections from the historical review “Chronicon Societatis Iesus” by Juan Polanco, related to the activity of the college in Messina, it has been found out that the college was divided in two departments: Studia inferiorа (lower), which provided education in the classes of grammar, poetry and rhetoric, and Studia superiora (higher), which included the classes of philosophy and theology. The students' daily routine at college, consisting of two main parts, as well as the sequence of study of educational subjects and their contents and methods of teaching applied by the Jesuits, is highlighted. It is proved that the education content, classes duration and recommendations for the most efficient methods and techniques of teaching, which were elaborated in the college of Messina in 1548– 1551, formed the basis of the Jesuit pedagogy of that time and were applied in new educational institutions established by the Jesuits.


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