

education, globalization, future teachers, internationalization, professional training


In the article professional training of future teachers in Ukraine in terms of globalization is considered. New challenges in the system of training of future specialists are driven by socio-cultural dynamics, which are constantly accelerating under the pressure of globalization and the information revolution. In the context of globalization, competition in the field of educational services is increasing. In the context of society’s search for an effective educational policy and the need for a transition to flexible high-tech education the latest information and communication technologies should be used. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of current globalization trends on the training of future teachers in Ukraine. To achieve the purpose of the study a set of methods and techniques of scientific knowledge is used. Theoretical and methodological basis of the article is modern provisions of pedagogic theory, scientific development of foreign and Ukrainian scientists and specialists in the field of education. The method of logical generalization is used to substantiate theoretically the importance of the tasks and clarify the key concepts of the study. Methods of theoretical generalization and comparison were used to analyze current trends in globalization and their impact on modern education and on the requirements for training of future teachers in modern conditions and trends in order to correspond to world standards and demands. In the twenty-first century, the role of education for all countries is growing even more, decisive for the country’s competitiveness on the world stage. Education itself is a tool for influencing the mental values and priorities of people, taking into account the interests of long-term and current social practice. Education faces the major challenges of globalization, because modern social reality, which is characterized in the most general way by the collapse of the value system, the absence of rigidly structured normative models, requires new guidelines.


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