

conducting choral pedagogy, music teacher, pedagogical functions, educational process


The theoretical basis of conducting choral pedagogy as an artistic and educational phenomenon have been considered in the article. It has been pointed out that the urgency of the problem of conducting choral pedagogy is exacerbated in connection with the specificity of the music teacher’s professional and pedagogical activity, as well as in the practical work in which the conducting choral training, which influences the spiritual world of future music teachers and students, occupies an important place. The scientific works of national researchers of the present time on the issues of the identified phenomenon are considered, in which the role of conducting choral pedagogy as an art-educational phenomenon is revealed. The features of preserving and reviving the traditions of conducting choral pedagogy as an artistic and educational phenomenon are highlighted. Attention is paid to the importance of using modern scientific research in the field of conducting choral pedagogy. It is stated that the educational process of the future music teacher of conducting and choral disciplines influences the future specialist’s spiritual outlook. The analysis of the current scientific research of the phenomenon gives grounds to argue for the introduction of adjustments to the structural and categorical apparatus, which make possible the successful practical implementation of the content of the educational process. The theor etical and practical importance of conducting and choral disciplines is noted. The prospects of formation of conducting choral knowledge and skills in the educational process of future music teachers training are especially outlined. It is emphasized that professional competencies formation of the future music teacher in the educational process in the professional discipline “Choral Conducting” should be carried out in individual and group forms of education, which is determined by the basic principles and traditions of the national music-pedagogical school. Some tasks of conducting choral pedagogy, its content, structural and methodological levels of the future music teacher are outlined. According to the tasks of conducting choral pedagogy and the educational process structure pedagogical functions are defined and characterized. The necessity of using the new methods and techniques in the process of teaching “Choral Conducting” is emphasized. This course involves the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and abilities that transform into the unique spiritual and creative personality of the future specialist and become the main constants of his or her activity.


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