

performing competence, future teaher-musician, musical and performing skills, collective creative activity, interpretation


The need to improve the process of formation of the performing competence of the teacher-musician is explained by the rapid socio-cultural changes in society. Musical education pedagogy has accumulated experience in developing performing skills and the process of forming the future competency of a future music teacher has not yet been well understood. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of performing competence of the future music teacher in the conditions of professional conductor-choral training. The article analyzes the views of Ukrainian and foreign scholars on the interpretation of the concept of competence, the essence of the concept of performing competence is defined. The problem of formation of performing competence, the role of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the professional formation of the future teacher-musician have been updated. The author focuses on the peculiarities of music-pedagogical training, which combines pedagogical, choirmaster, music-performing activities. In particular, the emphasis is placed on the ability to self-generalize and systematize the gained knowledge. The creative component in the development of the student's musical and creative potential stands out. Factors that contribute to the development of the performing competence of a future music teacher are distinguished. The basic components of theoretical and practical preparation of the student are considered. The student's work on the study of choral work is analyzed, where the priority role belongs to the ability to read musical score. The peculiarities of reading the author's text are indicated. Examples of composers' expressions regarding following the remarks indicated by the composer in the musical score are provided. The author notes that the performance process is not only an embodiment of the composer's design, but also the creation of his own performance interpretation. Collective activity in choral class is creative and promotes motivation for future professional activity. The research shows that performing competence is one of the most important priority in the structure of professional competence of the future specialist.


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